© 2008 -- 2011 the Grandpa at The Word Mechanic. All rights reserved.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday fun day

I'm the Grandpa, which means I'm at that age where I'm supposed to do things to keep my mind active. Problem is S works the crossword puzzle before I can get to it, and I'm not a big fan of soduku. (Of course it wouldn't matter if I was, because she works that too. However, there is a puzzle I do like. In fact, if you're good at drawing mental maps (S isn't) it's downright addictive. It's called Hidato, and you can find the puzzle daily here.



  1. I've not played Suduku yet. If it has numbers I usually run. Just saying. In college I was bright enough to take BS in Business Management. What was I thinking? It's loaded with math, algebra, financial analysis and statistics. Since I graduated I've avoided math when possible. Have fun. :)

  2. Great puzzle. I've got to go back and try again. Thanks.

  3. I always appreciate a new way to keep Alzheimer's at bay. Thanks!

  4. At first glance, I think I might like that puzzle (I'm not Sudoku fan either). But I'm having trouble learning the process. Will keep trying. God, I hope this isn't something else that'll make me feel like a moron.

  5. Oh, no you don't....I ain't touchin' that thing. No way! I'll be here all day... :)

  6. Of course you don't care particularly for Soduko, you are a WORD (not number) man, Grandpa.

  7. I love cross words and inherited that from my mother. Something tells me you are sharp enough just with your work and writing. I am wiht Braja - I aint going near that puzzle I have an addictive personality and spend too much time on the computer as it is...but I may pass it on to my mother though...

  8. That looks interesting. Thank you for sharing.
    My siblings and I are big fans of Sudoku. Usually one of us has a book filled with them and everyone will beg for a page or two to solve.
    Our father discovered them this summer and stated that 'that's impossible to solve' in his best daddy manner. Our little sister proved that a Sudoku is actually no magic but a matter of excluding possibilities, but dad doesn't get the logic. We found him at seven a.m. the next morning, head bent over a Sudoku, face contorted and not in the very best of moods after a sleepless night.
    It makes me happy there is one thing in the world at least that has something to do with numbers and that I understand better than he does.
