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Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm tired and I'm hungry

It's been a hard day. There's a lot of bad writing floating around, and I'm tired. But check out the spotlight post. You could win something. I'll see you tomorrow...


  1. Well I hope with a good sleep and some food you recover. Not sure you can do much about the bad writing but keep writing posts to help us all. Have a great weekend.

  2. Thanks, Lilly. Had a decent night's sleep and a bowl of oatmeal this morning, and then your nice comment, and I feel better already. Also, I should say there's a lot of good writing all around too.

  3. I hope you had a good rest, Grandpa. About the bad writing, I know what you mean. Doctors are the worst! I should be kinder, because many doctors in the Seattle area are from other countries, so English is not their first language.

    I will get off my soapbox now.

    Have a great day.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you, Gran. I did have a nice rest. When I taught college writing I always used to get the same response at cocktail parties whenever a doctor or a lawyer asked what I did for a living. When I told them, they would always say, "You know, most of my colleagues could profit by taking a course in writing. They all write so bad."

  6. I was going to write but you see i too am from those other countries
    Thank you for kind words

  7. love your blog and shall be a stalker from this day forth...but a tad bit scared you may actually read mine and then mock me silently in your head--or worse--here on your blog--eee gads! You "good with words and grammer" folks scare the bajibas out of me!

    Oh crap--that sentence is horrible--just keep your editing to yourself mister:)

  8. Edi, thanks for coming by. I really enjoyed your blog when I was over there, and Idefinitely intend to go back to see some more.

    Hi, Maria. I do feel a lot more refreshed, especially since I just watched Ohio State win it's basketball game.

    Thanks for coming by, Jackie. And don't worry, I never criticize a stalker (unless asked). :0)

  9. Did I say basketball? I must still be tired. (Although they did win their basketball game the other night.)
